When should I expect my inspection report?

In most cases inspection reports come out the same day as the inspection. Unless there were extenuating circumstances or it was a commercial inspection, we always strive for same day reports.

Can I come to the inspection?

We encourage all of our clients to do a walkthrough with the inspector at the end of the inspection, but discourage you from being there for the whole inspection. It is best for the inspector to be able to work without distractions or interruptions in order to stay focused and give you the best inspection possible!

What types of payment do you accept?

We prefer check or Venmo payments, but will also accept cash or credit and debit cards. If you need to pay online, we can send you a link to be able to pay online.

Do you inspect washing machines and refrigerators?

Although not normally a part of the inspection, because they do not always convey, we will inspect washers, dryers and fridges upon request. If you know it will convey, then let us know and we will look at it for you free of charge.

What is your service area?

Our service area is fairly large. If an inspector can drive there from central Austin in less than an hour, then we consider that in our service area. If you are outside of one hour from Austin, it never hurts to call us and ask.

I am not available for a walkthrough during the week, can we do a virtual walkthrough?

Sometimes clients can't physically be available for the walkthrough, but still want to go over the report with the inspector. We are happy to accommodate your availability as best we can. We have used FaceTime, Zoom and Skype as well as good old fashioned phone calls to meet virtually with clients.

Our option period is really short. Can you do inspections on weekends?

Although we prefer to keep the weekends for spending time with family, we do make exceptions on occasion. Give us a call and we will see if there is a time available when you need it!

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